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Have some Christmas money that’s burning a hole through your pocket? Get the most bang for your buck with our current deals! When you’re looking for a great way to spend your time with your family in Tallahassee, there’s no better place than a skating rink. We have some ideas of how you can make the most your time and money here at Skate World with your family. 

There are so many reasons to join in the fun here at Skate World Center, read more to learn about our current deals! Here are 3 ways you can make the most of your Christmas cash at Skate World and spend time with your family:

Join us for Monday Family Sk8 Mania!

Monday Family Sk8 Mania is every Monday from 4-8pm. On Mondays, it’s only $4 for the first activity, $4 for the second activity, and $4 skate rentals if you need them! It’s a great deal and allows for some quality family time after a long day at work and school.

Come Take a Skate Lesson!

Did you know Skate World offers skate lessons? We offer beginner’s skate lessons every Saturday from 9:45-10:45am. There are two groups in our skating lessons, the carpet group and the beginner skating floor group. This allows children to start where they are comfortable while they learn.

Get Current Deals on a Pair of Skates!

 If you’re frequently at the skating rink with your family, it’s about time you had your own pair of skates. We have new skates in stock and ready to go! We sell high quality roller skate products from all the top brands in the industry. Stop by and shop our selection today!

We hope to see you soon at Skate World Center to let the good times and family bonding roll!

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