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When you love to throw parties as much as we do at Skate World Center, it gets difficult to come up with more unique ideas for themes and locations. Luckily, we are here to help! Here are 3 off the walls party ideas for your next bash:

Make-Your-Own Music Festival

Ideally, you might want to have all your friends attend your favorite music festival in honor of your birthday, but there’s a lot of money and logistics that might go into a celebration like that. Our recommendation? Bring the best parts about a music festival to you! Have everyone dress in their best festival-wear, offer complimentary body glitter upon arrival, and create a “festival lineup” of all your favorite artists who your guests can choose to sing songs by when it comes time for karaoke. You’ll surely be reminiscing on your favorite festival ever for years to come!

Roller Derby Party

We all know roller skating parties are always a blast – so why not take it up a notch? Have a roller derby party! Warn your guests to come ready to race and rumble, equip them with plenty of padding, and have someone come teach them the basics of roller derby. Not only will this party be tons of fun, but your guests may leave with a new hobby!

Gala Bash

Whether you use this theme for an award show watch party or your own birthday party is up to you – any reason to dress to the nines is a good one! For your next party, ask everyone to dress in the fanciest (or most sparkly) thing in their closet. Be sure to serve fancy beverages, decorate with plenty of glitter, and give out awards for the best-dressed at the end of the night.

Any time you’re looking for great party ideas, Skate World Center is always here to help! 

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