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Roller skate in shop windowRoller skating is one of the most fun ways to exercise, socialize, and relax. If you skate regularly, you may be wondering if it’s time to buy your own roller skates. The answer depends on you! Read on for some advice from your friends at Skate World Center in Tallahassee. 

Should I rent skates from the skating rink or buy my own skates?

There are a couple of factors to consider when deciding whether to rent or buy skates

  • How often do you skate? Our regular skate rental fee is $4, so if you skate regularly, it will save you money in the long run to buy your own skates. Plus you can express yourself and get exactly what you want by customizing your skates from the boots and laces to the plate, wheels, bearings, and toe stops.
    If you don’t skate regularly, investing in skates might not be worth it for you. 
  • Do you know how to maintain roller skates – or are you willing to learn? Well-cared-for roller skates can last a long time, but you have to be willing to give them proper maintenance. If cleaning bearings and replacing wheels doesn’t sound like something you’re willing to do, it might be better to continue renting roller skates. If you are willing to learn how to maintain roller skates, YouTube is your best friend! Just search for instructional videos on the task you need to do, like “how to clean skate bearings.”

Whether you decide to rent skates or purchase your own, we hope you’ll join us at Skate World Center for fun, friends, and roller skating in Tallahassee! Check out our rink hours and get in touch with any questions about your visit! 

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