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Education and Fun, All Rolled Into One!

A unique educational experience that gets students EXCITED about learning! Students will learn how the concepts of SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING and MATH can be found in everyday experiences, even FUN experiences like ROLLER SKATING!
Copyright, United Skates of America Inc. 2014, 2015

STEM Field Trips – Grades K-12

Click here for STEM flyer image descriptions:

Page 1 of 4: S.T.E.M. field trip program flyer

Our three-hour S.T.E.M. field trip program combines S.T.E.M. Education, Physical Education and lunch in an exciting format!

  • S.T.E.M. Education: The first hour the students participate in one of our twelve S.T.E.M. lessons which demonstrate the relationship between S.T.E.M. and roller skating. Students will learn S.T.E.M. concepts in an interactive and entertaining way, enhancing learning. The S.T.E.M. portion of this program is instructed by a trained, experienced educator who is very knowledgeable about S.T.E.M.’s relationship with roller skating. Some of the topics covered in the S.T.E.M. lessons are motion, force, friction, sound waves, the Doppler Effect, light waves, building design, and geometry.
  • Lunch: The students will be served lunch from our cafe after the S.T.E.M. lesson.
  • Roller Skating for Physical Education: Students will skate for approximately two hours. This is an entertaining, and fun way to experience the S.T.E.M. concepts that they just learned. This skating event allows two hours of exercise, and a student can burn up to 1,000 calories in just one field trip. For the beginner skaters, we provide them with skate mates. These are trainers that help them balance and skate, so they have a positive experience during their field trip.
  • All lesson plans are copyrighted and meet Next Generation Science Standards.


(Copyright United Skates of America, Inc. 2014–2026)

In the last school year, the Battelle Memorial Institute (Battelle), the world’s largest non-profit research and development organization with over 22,000 employees located in Ohio, funded 3,000 K-8 students to attend 35 S.T.E.M. programs at our two Columbus roller rinks. The students were surveyed before the S.T.E.M. presentation and students and teachers were both surveyed immediately after the S.T.E.M. presentation. The results showed an EXTREMELY POSITIVE EXPERIENCE from students and teachers when attending the S.T.E.M. program. HERE ARE THE RESULTS:


  • I know what S.T.E.M. stands for. 778 / 2373 or 33% agree or strongly agree
  • Awareness of at least 1 S.T.E.M. career. 560 / 2373 24% agree or strongly agree
  • I already know about the science of roller-skating. 813 / 2373 or 34% agree or strongly agree
  • I already know a lot of examples of S.T.E.M. in my life. 556 / 2373 or 23% agree or strongly agree
  • In school, I learn a lot about Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. 1929 / 2373 or 81% agree or strongly agree
  • I have attended a S.T.E.M.-related field trip before. 761 / 2373 or 32% agree or strongly agree


  • I know what each of the letters of S.T.E.M. stands for. 2309 / 2445 or 94% agree or strongly agree
  • I had fun with S.T.E.M. today. 1936 / 2445 or 79% agree or strongly agree
  • I am more aware of S.T.E.M. related careers than I was before today’s event. 2023 / 2445 or 83% agree or strongly agree
  • After today’s event, I plan to talk about the science of skating with others. 1437 / 2445 or 59% agree or strongly agree
  • After today’s event, I would like to learn more about S.T.E.M. and roller skating. 1702 / 2445 or 70% agree or strongly agree
  • After today’s event, I want more chances to learn about S.T.E.M. 1645 / 2445 or 67% agree or strongly agree
  • I would be interested in attending another field trip like today’s event. 2294 / 2445 or 94% agree or strongly agree
  • Overall, I enjoyed today’s event. 2428 / 2445 or 99% agree or strongly agree


  • My students learned something new about S.T.E.M. 148/149 or 99% agree or strongly agree
  • My students were engaged during the entire S.T.E.M. activity. 133 / 149 89% agree or strongly agree
  • Roller skating was an effective way to teach S.T.E.M. to my students. 132 / 149 or 89% agree or strongly agree
  • My students gained an awareness of several S.T.E.M. related careers. 127 / 149 or 85% agree or strongly agree
  • Today’s event helped me learn how I can link S.T.E.M. concepts from roller-skating into my instruction. 135 / 149 or 91% agree or strongly agree
  • It would be helpful to have lessons that I could teach at school that integrate S.T.E.M. and roller-skating w/in the context of what I already teach. 132 / 149 or 89% agree or strongly agree
  • Physical activity is an important factor that I consider when choosing field trips for my class. 138 / 149 or 93% agree or strongly agree
  • Hands-on activity for kids is an important factor that I consider when choosing a field trip for my class. 147 / 149 or 99% agree or strongly agree
  • I am likely to return here with my students for another S.T.E.M. related activity. 142 / 149 or 95% agree or strongly agree
  • I will encourage colleagues to attend a S.T.E.M. activity here. 145 / 149 or 97% agree or strongly agree
  • Overall, today’s event was a valuable experience for my students. 148/149 or 99% agree or strongly agree


Page 3 of 4: Elementary School S.T.E.M. Flyer

Attention Elementary Educators!

We offer 10 unique activity-based STEM lessons that match what you are teaching in the classroom!

Over 2,000,000 students participated in our STEM program nationwide, in more than 125 locations!


When participating in one of our STEM field trip adventures, students will learn that Science, Technology, Engineering and Math can be found in everyday experiences, even in FUN EXPERIENCES like ROLLER SKATING!

Plus, students will enjoy fun and safe physical fitness! Book a three-hour field trip consisting of one hour of STEM education and two hours of physical fitness through roller skating. Reserve your school today! Call us now at (850) 385-7465!


Page 4 of 4: Middle School S.T.E.M. Flyer

Attention Middle School Educators!

We offer 12 unique activity-based STEM lessons that match what you are teaching in the classroom!

Over 2,000,000 students participated in our STEM program nationwide, in more than 125 locations!

Get a Truly Unique Education Experience:

When participating in one of our STEM field trip adventures, students will learn that Science, Technology, Engineering and Math can be found in everyday experiences, even in FUN EXPERIENCES like ROLLER SKATING!

Plus, students will enjoy fun and safe physical fitness! Book a three-hour field trip consisting of one hour of STEM education and two hours of physical fitness through roller skating. Reserve your school today! Call us now at (850) 385-7465!

Our professional STEM Educators teach visiting students about how STEM principles exist in just about every part of life.

The lessons focus on hands on activities that are both educational and fun!

Lessons are customized based on teachers needs to DIRECTLY RELATE back to classroom learning making this program completely unique!

Following the completion of the 1 hour STEM Lesson, the students roller skate for physical fitness.

While Roller Skating the concepts students learned are continually reinforced.

Our lessons are designed not only to help students overcome their fear of learning STEM concepts but to show how STEM is both FUN & EXCITING!

Copyright, United Skates of America Inc. 2024, 2025

Family Fun at Skate World Center, skating, playground, skates, skate, Deals, deal, events, event, STEM, science, match, technology, engineering, STEM trips, field trips, schools, groups, groups and schools, education, fun, learning
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