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How are your New Year’s Resolutions going? If you’re like a lot of people, you may have slipped up already. As the boring post-holiday weeks of January weighed on you, you may even have totally abandoned the big plans you made on December 31st. That’s ok! Stop fretting; it’s still only January. If you’re feeling a little blue, Skate World Center is here to help with tips to make the most out of the new year.

First of all, be kinder to everyone. Say “please” and “thank you.” Give sincere compliments. Ask people how they are, and listen to their response. Offer assistance. Tip a little better than normal. Exhibiting a little extra politeness can go a long way towards improving your mood and the day of everyone you meet. That means be kinder to yourself too! Rather than beat yourself up for not meeting your goals for the day (or the week, or the month) remember that tomorrow is another day to try again.

Secondly, try something new! Nothing refreshed the mind and body like new adventures. Roller skating at Skate World Center is a great place to start. Not only is it good exercise (which will help if you’re one of the people who resolved to get healthier in the new year), but it’s just plain fun. Get together with friends, family, and loved ones for some fun on the skate floor and you’ll find yourself enjoying the year that much more! Check out our hours and set up a group event or come by yourself–either way, we’ll all have a blast in 2018.

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