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Mother and small daughter doing yogaStaying active during this pandemic has been a challenge, and if you have kids, it’s especially hard to be cooped up inside. Fortunately, there are lots of ways to get some exercise, relieve stress, and have fun without even going outside your front door. 

Check out these ideas to keep your crew moving and grooving until we’re able to reopen the skating rink and see you in person!

Games and Activities to Keep Your Kids Active at Home

Bring the gym or studio to your living room.

While crossfit gyms, yoga studios, and other group fitness locations are closed in most places, your kids (and you) can still get a workout thanks to the free fitness content available on YouTube! There’s something for everyone and every interest, but these are a few of the best: 

Throw a living room rave.

Dancing (just like roller skating) is one of the best ways to get a workout while having so much fun, you don’t even realize you’re burning calories! Whether you throw a weekly family “rave” complete with fog machine and glow sticks, or just take a break from the daily grind for an afternoon dance party in the kitchen, you and your kids will have a ball dancing your way to fitness.

Of course, if your kids are really into dancing, you can level up from freestyle to learning actual choreography. Check out some of these kid-friendly choreography videos. 

Build an obstacle course. 

Sure, your kids could run laps around the backyard, do jumping jacks, or what have you, but where’s the element of adventure? Create an obstacle course in your yard or even in your living room with things around the house. Get your kids to help come up with ideas, from shimmying under a limbo pole (aka a regular old broom propped on some chairs), to jumping hurdles (laundry baskets turned upside town), to walking a balance beam (a spare 2×4 or landscaping railroad tie will do). 

Take a daily walk.

Remember that you can still walk in your neighborhood or local park in most places as long as you practice social distancing. So while you shouldn’t take your kids to the park to get up close and personal with the playground equipment, you can still take walks or runs. Liven things up by playing follow the leader and adding skipping, jumping, lunges, and other movements to the trip.  

What has your family been doing to pass the time during the coronavirus pandemic? Whatever you’re up to, we hope you’re all staying well and keeping yourselves entertained!

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