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Two girls doing homeworkGood news, Tallahassee homeschoolers: Homeschool Skate is BACK! We’re excited to share that this awesome homeschool event will resume every first Friday of the month from 1 pm to 4 pm.

Why Homeschool Activities Matter

There are plenty of stereotypes and misconceptions around homeschooling’s perceived social shortcomings. However, as any homeschool family can tell you, socialization is what you make of it, and many homeschool kids enjoy an extremely well-rounded social life thanks to lessons, clubs, sports, community organizations, churches, and local homeschool meetups for different age groups. These activities are so important, because kids do need to spend time with their peers in order to make friends and build the social skills that will take them into the adult world.

These connections can also help fill in the gaps; we all have areas where we’re more talented and other areas where we need some practice. Getting together regularly with other homeschool families exposes kids to other parent-teachers and homeschool students who may have some awesome tips, tricks, or skills that you’re missing!

What to Expect at Skate World Center’s Homeschool Skate

When you visit us for Homeschool Skate, your $6 admission lets you choose 2 of our fun activities for a customized experience. Choose from roller skating (including skate rental!), the playground for kids 10 and younger, or the arcade ($3 of tokens included). Skate the evening away to your favorite tunes and enjoy some fun and fellowship with friends!

Ready to have a blast with other homeschool families in Tallahassee? Invite your friends and be sure to share your Skate World photos on our Facebook page!

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