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Spring Break Skate FlyerSpring break is just around the corner. That means kids are looking forward to a full week of fun away from the classroom. But don’t just let them sit around watching TV; instead, make some exciting plans to partake in some Tallahassee spring break events!

Here are a few fun family friendly Tallahassee activities to get you started:

  • Explore the Tallahassee Museum – The Tallahassee Museum is unique in that most of it is actually outdoors! There is a playground, colorful dino sculptures, live animals, and even a zipline for the older kids. It is a wonderful way to enjoy some beautiful Florida nature while exploring and learning. Plus, they currently have a giant anteater!
  • Visit Cascades Park – Cascade Park is a large 24 acre urban park with walking trails, a fountain great for splashing, and a Discovery Playscape area that is great for kids.
  • Get Active at Skate World – Without their usual playground and P.E. time, it’s important for your little ones to get active and make time for a little exercise this spring break. That’s why we are offering special spring break sessions in addition to our regular hours! Bring your kids to skate off a little of that extra energy March 18th-22nd and 25th from 11:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. Admission is only $9 and skate rental is $4.

Check out our other upcoming Tallahassee events and make plans to take your kids skating. Contact us at 1-850-386-4807 to make a reservation for a group discount.

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