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Little girl wearing helmet and safety gearOctober is National Roller Skating Month, and there’s no better way to celebrate than by introducing your kids to roller skating! Roller skating has been around for so long because it’s not just fun, it’s also social, active, and (we see you, parents!) affordable. You can pass the joy on to a new generation by teaching your kids to skate. Get ready for years of family fun at the skating rink by reviewing these roller skating safety tips for kids, so your brood can safely enjoy the rink this month, and every month! 

Roller Skating Safety Tips for Kids

  • Gear up – Beginner skaters are going to take some tumbles, so be prepared with the correct safety gear. You can’t go wrong with a helmet (which is a must for outdoor skating), elbow and knee pads, and wrist guards. Some folks even choose to wear padded shorts, which can literally save your butt if you fall backwards! A bruised tailbone is no way to instill a love of skating in the next generation.
    It’s also important to wear the right clothes to the skating rink—nothing too baggy or too tight. Comfortable, casual clothing is the way to go. And remember to bring socks, because you can’t use our rental skates without them. 
  • Teach them how to fall safely – Speaking of bruised tailbones, the best way to avoid injury when learning to skate is by learning how to fall correctly! Falling is just part of the process, but it doesn’t have to be painful. Check out our tips for how to fall on skates to learn how to master this skill set. 
  • Teach them skating rink etiquette – Part of skating safety is learning the “rules of the rink” so to speak. Make sure they know to pay attention to which way traffic is flowing on the skating rink, how to enter and exit safely, not to cut across the center of the rink, etc. This skating etiquette infographic is a good refresher for adults and kids alike! 
  • Sign them up for skating lessons – One of the best ways to safely teach your kids to skate is by signing them up for roller skating lessons! At Skate World Center, we offer the best roller skating lessons in Tallahassee for beginners, advanced students, and speed skaters. In fact, we’re the home of the Southern Speed Club, and we hold practices for all ages on Wednesday evenings. If your kids have a bit of a speed demon streak to them, they will love learning how to skate fast and win races.  

Ready to celebrate National Roller Skating Month with us? Be sure to follow us on Facebook to stay informed about upcoming events, specials, and more! 

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