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3 Fun Facts About Roller Skating You Might Not Know

We know how much you love roller skating, so you’ll definitely want to check out these fun roller skating facts you might not know! Roller skating has been around for centuries and it has a long history of being a popular pastime. Whether you’re a beginner or an...

Plan Ahead For Summer

  Summer break is almost here, and it can be a struggle to come up with activities that are both fun and budget-friendly. One way to make the most of summer break is to plan ahead and take advantage of opportunities like Kids Skate Free Club. This program offers...

Valentine’s Day Date Ideas

Valentine’s Day is almost here! It sure snuck up this year! Have you made your date plans yet? If you don’t have plans set yet, there’s a short amount of time to plan the perfect Valentine’s Day date for your person. Don’t start sweating bullets under the pressure,...

Skating Can Keep Your Body In Tip-Top Shape

It’s a new year! We know you have some resolutions you want to stick to in order to stay healthy all throughout 2023. We have a great exercise suggestion: roller skating! You may think that sounds a little crazy, but trust us. Roller skating is great exercise for your...
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