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A Pair Of Skates For The Whole Family!

If you’re looking for a fun holiday gift that keeps giving throughout the year, we have a suggestion for you – roller skates! It may be a little outside of the box, but at least you know your gift will be unique! Having a pair of quality skates for every member...

Give Back This Holiday Season

Isn’t it crazy that the holiday season is almost upon us? It’ll truly be here before you know it. While most look forward to this time of the year, some people do not and it can be a challenging time for them. It’s important that while your children know the...

Spooky Skating Costumes

Halloween will be here before you know it! Do you have your costume picked out and ready to go? Some of our favorite costumes involve roller skates! If you’re looking for some fun Halloween roller skating costumes, we have some ideas for you! Here are our 4 favorite...

Nothing Beats a S.T.E.M. Field Trip!

It’s back to school season, so you know what that means? Time to plan your field trips for the year! If you’re looking for fun, educational activities in Tallahassee, Skate World Center has you covered! A STEM field trip at Skate World Center is the perfect...

Skate Back To School

School will be back in session before you know it! Are you ready to send your kids back to school? If the answer is no, just know you are not the only Leon County parent that isn’t ready. Let’s get your family ready to send the kids back to class, so you can get back...
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