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Fun Workouts for After Your Thanksgiving Feast

Juicy roast turkey. Savory stuffing. Creamy mashed potatoes and gravy. Rich green bean casserole and yams. Sweet cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. Admit it, your mouth is watering! All of those Thanksgiving dishes—or whatever special occasion foods are traditional in...

Halloween Costume Ideas for Spooky Skaters

Unfortunately, we’ve all been stuck at home for most of 2020 thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, but there has been one silver lining: The rise of roller skating Tik Tok. If you love to skate, or you’re just looking for a 🔥🔥🔥 Halloween costume idea that’s sure to turn...

Check Out What’s New at Skate World!

When it comes to having fun in Tallahassee, you know Skate World is the place to be! But do you know about all of the cool stuff we have going on? Keep reading to learn what’s new at Skate World, and let the good times roll.  What’s New at Skate World VIP Memberships...

Planning a Party in a Pandemic? These Tips Could Help!

Party planning in a pandemic is no easy feat! With so much uncertainty, it can be extra stressful to plan any kind of event, especially since so many people have already had to cancel or postpone their weddings, graduations, birthday parties, and other celebrations....
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